
Build Your Legacy

Life Insurance

Life insurance can be an incredible tool to protect your loved ones or business from the burden of loss of income, debts, or taxes owing once you’re gone.

Critical Illness Insurance

 If you get sick, having Critical Illness insurance can help lessen the burden on yourself or your business from taking time off work, paying for medications, traveling to get treatment or hiring someone to help run your business while you recover. When you’re sick you should be focused on how to get better, not on how you’re going to keep the lights on. 

Disability insurance

In the event that you can’t work due to a sickness or injury, disability insurance pays out a monthly benefit so you can still maintain a portion of your pre-disability income. This can help you maintain your lifestyle and prevent you from depleting your savings while you’re in recovery.

Group Benefit Plans

In recent years there has been growing demand by workers for companies to offer employee benefits. The right benefits plan can make a world of difference when it comes to employee retention and happiness, which reduces turnover.

Estate Planning

Life insurance is generally the best solution for Estate Planning problems, such as tax liabilities on capital gains, probate fees, and creditor proofing. By working with your tax experts, we create customized plans to ensure there’s funding available to cover any expenses on your estate.

Corporate Tax Sheltering

Certain life insurance plans are one of only a few vehicles left in Canada that can allow for tax-sheltered growth of capital held inside a registered corporation. There are a variety of investment types available inside these plans to address each client’s risk tolerance.